
What's behind the so called 'code prettifier' tools?

If you’ve ever wondered the same question as the title, the short answer is: a compiler. Note: I have limited knowledge on code prettifier tools and their implementations. Now, let’s proceed with...

How to split strings using regex

Problem Statement What if I ask you to split a paragraph in phrases delimited by .?! ? What would be your first approach ? Also, I want you to include the phrase itself and it’s delimiters (.?!)...

Downloading videos with multi-threaded youtube-dl

Today I’d like to share a trick I’ve learned to download videos faster using youtube-dl. The youtube-dl tool is a command-line utility to download videos from YouTube. But sometimes, when you try t...

Welcome To My Blog!

Today i’m really excited to announce my new personal blog. As you can see, i’ve introduced myself on the About section of this blog. Hope you guys enjoy my content!